Surprising the Jeyzinator by picking him up at school!! What a stud!!
-The other loves of my life call me Auntie Janae.
-This is probably the first Thanksgiving break that I've lost weight. So, let's just say I was grateful for that-thanks to a sinus infection and a stomach flu-oh, joy!! :)
-I felt like a pregnant woman today. I was craving random foods while I was sick, and I had to pee all of the time because of the Gatorade I was drinking. I'm glad I'm not.
-I had a blast getting to play with my nieces and nephews Jeyza, Sammy, Scarlet, and Raeven over Thanksgiving break.
-I'm grateful I don't have student teaching tomorrow, as I am sick again. Good thing. But, I already miss my students and will be visiting them sometime this week.
-LIZ IS THE BEST!! She was my nurse and great friend today, as always. She always takes care of me. I'm so grateful to have such an outstanding friend such as her.
-I have a man in my life...his name is Jeyza, and he's my 7 year old nephew.:)
-Speaking of men, I got bored and added up my options. Liz and I calculated that I have at least 5 options of marriage if I ever want to just up and get married. All I would have to do is say yes. But, I prefer to say no. Let's just say that I avoid going to my home ward to avoid the ,"So, you dating anyone?", or "What are you doing with your life then?" questions. There is more to life than dating. Graduating from college, going to grad school, teaching abroad, going to nursing school, and going on a mission are just a little taste of the adventures I have planned besides getting married, and boy am I excited for those!!
-I'm excited to have time to work on random projects this week, as my student teaching is over.
-My friend, Chris came up with a term to describe me, and I thought it was hilarious. WARNING: May be a little explicit. He calls me a "social whore". He says that I know everyone, and that warrants the title. Did you know that the maximum number of contacts in your phone is 500? I filled up my contact memory, and that's why he calls me that.
-My dad is a STUD. I told him that he's the reason I haven't got married yet since I can't find anyone half as awesome as he is. He laughed. But, really, it's true.
-My family is crazy and hilarious. People don't believe me when I say I am one of the quieter ones, but it's true. You gotta see the craziness someday. I was expecting a quiet Thanksgiving holiday with just my mom and dad, but after multiplying the size of our Thanksgiving dinner group by five, and multiplying the sound by 10, I was reminded of the craziness. Gotta love it.
-I get to go to San Diego to see Eleisha on December 10th!! YAY!!
Life is good. Love, Janae