Sunday, June 19, 2011

Consejos de la semana

Ande en bicicleta cuando hace sol!! :)

Tienes que tener confidencia en tu futuro, y hace lo que tienes que hacer para lograr tus metas.
Obtenga un trabajo que te gusta, para que puedes divertirte en el trabajo.
Trabaje, y trabaje duro.
Hable con ancianos. Tienen muchas ideas y experiencias que puedan ayudarte.
Ser paciente con tus amigos. Ya tienen que soportarte y es probable que es muy dificul, como en mi vida.
Disfrute tu tiempo solo, y andar en bicicileta cuando hace sol. Que divertido!
Presta atencion en iglesia. Siempre hay cosas que puedes aprender.

Announcement, Announcement!!

A preview of what I'll be doing in the fall..working with KIDLETS!!

I've finally made my decision. I will be going to Richmond, Virginia to teach Spanish!! How cool, huh? It's totally not what I expected, but it feels right and it's gonna be a fun and new adventure for sure!!

So, here's a little info on how this came to pass:
1. I went to BYU's Teacher Fair in March. I randomly talked to the representatives of Richmond Public Schools, gave them my resume, and walked off.
2. They sent me an e mail asking me to consider their school, and I didn't think anything of it.
3. They sent me a letter a week or two later offering me a job as an Elementary Spanish teacher. Crazy, huh?
4. I did a phone interview and they offered me the job!!
5. I considered all of my options (mission, Taiwan, going to nursing school here or in Washington, subbing in Washington, teaching in Brazil/Portugal, etc., etc.) and finally decided last Sunday that that is what I'm going to do!!
6. The only thing I need to do now is to pass the Spanish PRAXIS exam on July 29th. When I pass, I have a job teaching Spanish in an elementary school. I get to teach in an inner city school district where the ethnic background is 85% Black, 10% White, and 5% Other. How awesome is that? I'll also be within two hours of D.C., be in a good singles' ward, be close to Virginia Commonwealth University, and hello-EAST COAST!! It's gonna be a fun adventure where I learn lots, try something new, and get to learn to rely on my Savior and feel His love and guidance in my life, wherever it may take me.


Love, Janae

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tiparoos of the Week

Play soccer barefoot in the grass and give kids piggy back rides. It keeps you happy, and plus, it's a good workout. I was so refreshingly tired after this.
Tips of the week:

Monday:Go shopping with Eleisha. Don't call boots "hooker boots" unless you know for sure that the store clerk isn't listening. I'm a sinner-dang it. Also, avoid the high council representative while shopping for bridal shower gifts. Wow. I thought I was gonna bust into fire and brimestone as we were walking out of VS.
Tuesday: Choose to enjoy whatever work you have-even if it is the Psych ward. :) Do puzzles with them. It calms them like nothing else. Get food at hospital cafeterias. It's cheap and d-lish!!
Wednesday:Fill up the gas tank before getting to's expensive there. Take pictures of bears while in the wilderness. Let sleeping dogs, er, boys, lie.
Thursday:Visit your granny. She'll love it. Eat your veggies and stay smart to be spunky like my awesome Grandma Brown. Go to high school reunions. It makes you appreciate not being back in the scary jungle...not to be confused with Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, but still very rough.
Friday:Go to the temple, and often. Wear polka dots. Wear yellow. They make everyone around you happy. Check around the car to make sure there isn't a dog next to you. Holy scary. Dance at wedding receptions. Fun stuff!!
Saturday:Buy the Hunger Games series. Then again, if you want to have a life for the next few days besides the books, don't. It's beyond addicting. It's my own personal brand of heroine. Play Scattergories. It brings out a true personality in a person. But, for me personally, I better avoid it meeting my future husband's family. I'll scare him away right away!! I was cracking up and on the point of tears at the Cooks'. Good thing they were already okay with my crazy self.
Sunday:Enjoy times with your friends. You never know where your life may lead, so appreciate the time you have with them. Do stay up til 4 a.m. with your roommate as she writes a 10 page paper that she started at midnight while eating animal crackers. They'll be memories to last a lifetime.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Tips of the Week

Tips of life: LOVE life, LOVE family, LOVE the Gospel, LOVE God, LOVE life. Oh, and smile, like in this picture, or else you'll get frown marks. Not pretty.

Every once in a while, I give "tips of the day". Why not post them to help my dear friends out? I don't want you to have to make the silly mistakes I make each day, so take these as tips to keep from being a dork, that is, unless you wanna run into the funny situations I do each day. Enjoy!! :)

Monday: Chocolate milk is ESSENTIAL at midnight to keep ya going on a 12 hr road trip. Stop in Dillon, MT to get pizza. It's good. Oh, and they actually have stop signs. STOP. Funny story.
Tuesday: You can live a happy life no matter what your physical or other disabilities may be. It all depends on your attitude and perspective. Make conversations with people at the Social Security Card Center. They're funny.
Wednesday: Rock climbing shows you a lot about yourself in your ability to try new things and push yourself to new limits. Don't be a pansy-try it out!! And don't have long nails when you climb.
Thursday: Pick your battles and choose not to be offended by those you love. Two words: Spicy tiger. It does wonders for frisbee.
Friday: Spontaneous weekends are the best weekends. (Especially if they involve fun roommates and going to Dominoes at 12:30.) :)Do not leave belay devices hanging around the Quarry. Whoops.
Saturday: Do NOT put taffy in your back pocket on a sunny day. It's not pretty-nor's actually quite sticky on your boo-tay. Play soccer barefoot. It will solve everything.

Tune in next week for some tips all the way from sunny California.

Love, love, love, Janae :)