Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tiparoos of the Week

Play soccer barefoot in the grass and give kids piggy back rides. It keeps you happy, and plus, it's a good workout. I was so refreshingly tired after this.
Tips of the week:

Monday:Go shopping with Eleisha. Don't call boots "hooker boots" unless you know for sure that the store clerk isn't listening. I'm a sinner-dang it. Also, avoid the high council representative while shopping for bridal shower gifts. Wow. I thought I was gonna bust into fire and brimestone as we were walking out of VS.
Tuesday: Choose to enjoy whatever work you have-even if it is the Psych ward. :) Do puzzles with them. It calms them like nothing else. Get food at hospital cafeterias. It's cheap and d-lish!!
Wednesday:Fill up the gas tank before getting to California...it's expensive there. Take pictures of bears while in the wilderness. Let sleeping dogs, er, boys, lie.
Thursday:Visit your granny. She'll love it. Eat your veggies and stay smart to be spunky like my awesome Grandma Brown. Go to high school reunions. It makes you appreciate not being back in the scary jungle...not to be confused with Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, but still very rough.
Friday:Go to the temple, and often. Wear polka dots. Wear yellow. They make everyone around you happy. Check around the car to make sure there isn't a dog next to you. Holy scary. Dance at wedding receptions. Fun stuff!!
Saturday:Buy the Hunger Games series. Then again, if you want to have a life for the next few days besides the books, don't. It's beyond addicting. It's my own personal brand of heroine. Play Scattergories. It brings out a true personality in a person. But, for me personally, I better avoid it meeting my future husband's family. I'll scare him away right away!! I was cracking up and on the point of tears at the Cooks'. Good thing they were already okay with my crazy self.
Sunday:Enjoy times with your friends. You never know where your life may lead, so appreciate the time you have with them. Do stay up til 4 a.m. with your roommate as she writes a 10 page paper that she started at midnight while eating animal crackers. They'll be memories to last a lifetime.

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